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Speaking Engagements

Montaigne1Book Getting the TruthFinal


Purchase an autographed copy of Mr. Koenig's award-winning book, "Getting the Truth" and "Getting the Truth: I am D.B. Cooper," by clicking "BOOKSTORE" above. There is no extra charge, and the shipping is free. Or, if you use Apple Cash, simply send me a text (6163665856) asking to purchase Getting the Truth or I am D.B. Cooper for $20 each, and I'll return your text with an Apple Cash payment request. Once you send that, I will send you an autographed book(s).

Speaking Engagements/Author Signings

May 28, 2019,Podcast with Darren Schaefer on his "The Cooper Vortex."

September 12, 2019, Keynote speaker at DK Security's "Lunch & Learn" client event. Grand Rapids, MI

October 1, 2019: Speaker at MCPI (Michigan Council Professional Investigators) & NCISS (The National Council of Investigation & Security Services) Annual Training Conference, Plymouth, MI.

October 21, 2019, Keynote speaker at Texas Mutual Insurance Co's three-day workers' compensation fraud conference in Austin, TX.

January 27, 2020, Speaker for Siesta Harbor Book Club, Sarasota, FL. 

July 29, 2020, Conducting virtual seminar, Hudsonville C of C on Getting the Truth - Unlocking the Secrets of Communication; 0900 - 1100. 

September 15, 2020, Speaker for IASIU (International Association of Special Investigation Units) 1000 - 1150 CST; virtual webinar.

October 10, 2020, Keynote Speaker at Washington Association of Legal Investigators; Davenport Grande Hotel, Spokane, WA (canceled due to Covid)

July 9, 2021, Getting the Truth at the FBINAA 2021 Annual National Convention in Orlando, FL

August 23, 2021, Virtual Presentation to ASSHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)

September 14, 2021, Getting the Truth at the 2021 Annual IASIU Conference, Orlando, FL

September 21, 2021, Grand Rapids IMA (Institute of Management Accountants)

October 13, 2022, 2-hour presentation for Puget Sound Special Investigators Association at Fall Virtual Conference; 2 hrs on Getting the Truth

September 19, 2023, 2-hour presentation for the US Department of Labor: Getting the Truth Unlocking the Secrets of Communication

August 1, 2023, FBI National Academy Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado; Understanding Communication

October 25, 2023, 29th Annual Bank Security Conference (BankersOnline),2-hour presentation on Forensic Linguistics, virtual, 29th Annual Bank Security Conference

February 15, 2024, Lansing Area Certified Fraud Examiners Association, Lansing, MI Introduction to Forensic Linguistics.

April 27, 2024, NALS Legal Assistants Association (Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids areas), Grand Rapids, MI  Introduction to Forensic Linguistics

August 26, 2024, Internation Association of Special Investigation Units Annual Conference (IASIU), Nashville, TN. Understanding the Real Message

September 17, 2024, ACUA AuditCon, Annual Conference for Academic Accountants, Atlanta, GA, Introduction to Forensic Linguistics

September 19, 2024, iSmile Conference (Social Media in Law Enforcement), Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Understanding the Real Message

December 13, 2024, Keynote Speaker, National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NacVA) Superconference, Las Vegas, NV, Understanding the Real Message.

December 17, 2024, Grand Rapids Lions Club, Understanding the Real Message GVSU University Club

January 21, 2025, IMA (Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business), Bridgewater Place, Understanding  the Real Message

February 21, 2025, Linguists Collective Conference, London UK, Understanding the Real Message

March 19, 2025, Comstock Township Public Library, Kalamazoo, MI, An Evening with Joe Koenig & DB Cooper   (6:00 PM)

September 26, 2025, Pere Marquette District Library, Clare, MI, Joe Koenig, Award-Winning Author of "Getting the Truth"   (6:30 PM)

Joe Koenig is available to speak on the principles in his book to law enforcement, businesses, schools, groups, and associations. He has given talks to the FBI National Academy Associates, Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA), Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), Michigan CPAs, NALS (the association for legal professionals), West Michigan Internal Auditors, Lansing area Certified Fraud Examiners; Grand Rapids Rotary Club; West Michigan Association of Finance Professionals; the Houston area CPA Association; Grand Valley State University Graduate Class in Forensic Accounting; West Michigan Council of Women Realtors; and many other groups. He can tailor his speech from 20 minutes to 2 to 8 hours. Call him at 616 366-5856 for further information.

stonehengeOne of the main principles in "Getting the Truth" is based on the premise that people don't tell complete lies. A total lie is saying, "I didn't do it," when everybody knows what "it" is and the teller did "it." People avoid telling complete lies by telling partial truths. There is always a modicum of truth in a lie. Partial-truths leave tracks. 

Attendees will learn that "I did not do it" is not the same as "I didn't do it." They will learn about "Alvin - the parking lot attendant," what Joe calls "artillery," word selection, inflections, pitch, pace, and how all those tools conceal the truth. They will also learn how to construct - sculpt - questions to promote ethically obtaining the truth. They will know how to ask the right questions at the right time, in the right way, to get the truth.

"Getting the Truth's" principles powerfully enable you to make better ethical decisions, whether in selecting the right employee, purchasing a business or asset, or making investments – everything wherein you rely on what is written or spoken. The audience will understand what a partial truth is, what an omission is, and what a partial lie is – and ultimately, what the truth is. And most importantly, attendees will learn how to get the truth ethically and why that's so important.

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert
"Tremendous Speaker! Joe's background, knowledge, and application of his skills make for a fascinating presentation. My entire club was impressed and entertained. I would highly recommend Joe as a speaker for your organization."
    John Rice Grand Rapids Lions Club December 16, 2011

"Joe recently gave a presentation to the Kenowa AMBUCS, one of the most interesting presentations I've ever seen. I've known Joe before this presentation but didn't know the depth of his experience. Hearing about his accomplishments and previous work record would have been interesting enough. However, Joe also gave some fascinating examples of how he meticulously performs his work. This information benefited several business owners and managers and gave us everything to look for with our employees. A fellow AMBUC board member mentioned he was the most interesting bi-weekly speaker we've had in a long time!"
    Jason Minier, Owner, Georgetown Stars Pro Shop (business partner) December 17, 2011

KMI Investigations is a fantastic resource for business owners. The Hudsonville Area Chamber of Commerce was remarkably able to hear from Joe Koenig at one of the Chamber luncheons. The business owners in attendance were all very engaged with the topic, and we received numerous compliments on our programming due to his knowledgeable and enlightening presentation. We would recommend Joe and KMI Investigations in a heartbeat.
    Michelle Fare, Executive Director, Hudsonville Area Chamber of Commerce  (presentation on 5/17/12)


".. unlocking the secrets of communication." - buy Mr. Koenig's autographed books at Apple Pay/Cash (616 366-5856), Zelle, or BOOKSTORE.

© 2010 – 2024 KMI Investigations, LLC.           Contact: 616 366-5856.  email:         

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